Archive of Publications

December 2013

Volume 37 - N. 2

  1. Recent tools for population abundance estimation adjustment and their use in long-term French red-legged partridge survey

    Jakob & Ponce-Boutin

  2. Recent distribution of red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa in Piedmont (North Western Italy): signs of recent spreading

    Tizzani P., Boano G., Mosso M., Pelazza M., Carolfi S., Ferra M., Marletta N., Pio G., Pellegrino G., Meneguz P.G., Silvano F., Negri E., Spanò S.

  3. Survival and morphometrics of radiocollared wild and reared red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa in Pisa province (Tuscany, central Italy)

    Scarselli D., Vecchio G., Morelli M.B., Petrini R., Oliviero F., Fontanelli N., Canova C., Cozzi C., Mazzarone V.

  4. Conservation status and hunting management of red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa in the Eastern Province of Genoa (Liguria Region, NW Italy)

    Ciuffardi L., Spanò S.

  5. Is the red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa naturally colonising the north of Lazio region, Italy?

    Primi R., Serrani F., Viola P., Corsini A., La Bella M., Amici A.

  6. Alectoris rufa sightings outside its traditional distribution area in Piedmont

    Lasagna A., Tizzani P., Audino G., Castello A., Meneguz P.G.

  7. Some differences in the breeding ecology of Alectoris and Perdix partridges and implications for the conservation of Alectoris: a review

    Potts G. R. (Dick)

  8. Status and distribution of rock partridge Alectoris graeca in Apennine areas

    Sorace A., Artese C., Antonucci A., bernoni M., Bonani M. , Brusaferro A., Carafa M., Carotenuto L., Cortone P., De Filippo G., De Santis E.S8, Forconi P., Fabrizio M., Fulco E., S Guglielmi S., Latini R., Liberatoccioli E., Magrini M., Mangiacotti M., Mariani F., Pellegrini M., Peria E., Pinchiurri V., Properzi S., Riga F., Scalisi M., Spera M., Trocchi V.

  9. Status of rock partridge Alectoris graeca in Lazio Region, Central Italian Apennine: six years of monitoring

    Amici A., Serrani F., Primi R., Adriani S., Viola P., Bonanni M.

  10. Influence of weather-climate conditions on the breeding success of rock partridge Alectoris graeca in a population of the western Alps

    Giordano O., Ficetto G., Tizzani P.

  11. Status of rock partridge Alectoris graeca saxatilis in Val Troncea Regional Park (Piedmont, north-west Italy)

    Maurino L., Probo M., Gorlier A., Lonati M.

  12. Hunting and breeding success of rock partridge Alectoris graeca saxatilis on the Italian Alps (2006-2010)

    Artuso I.

  13. Census of the Sicilian rock partridge Alectoris graeca whitakeri population in ZPS ITA010029 Monte Cofano, Capo San Vito and Monte Sparagio

    Mario Lo Valvo M., Sorace G., Giacalone G.

  14. Rock partridge Alectoris graeca in Lazio region (Central Italy): Status and Action Plan

    Sorace A., Guglielmi S., Properzi S., Riga F., Trocchi V., Scalisi M.

  15. On the systematic status of the Cyrenaic Partridge (Alectoris barbata Reichenow, 1896)

    Spanò S., Pellegrino I., Borgo E.

  16. Final pages (index of authors, CISO-day 2014)