Volume 44 - N. 1
June 2020
Volume 44 - N. 1
Volume 44, N°1 - 2020
Editorial - COVID-19 and ornithology: will 2020 be a sad gap in our data?
Roberto Ambrosini, Editor-in-Chief
Avian brood parasitism in Italy: another perspective
Daniela Campobello, Spencer G. Sealy
The historical and current distribution of Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus and Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus in Greece and adjacent areas: 1830-2019
George Handrinos and Giorgos Catsadorakis
Loss of graded enemy recognition in a Whitehead population allopatric with brood-parasitic Long-tailed Cuckoos
Shelby L. Lawson, Nora Leuschner, Brian J. Gill, Janice K. Enos and Mark E. Hauber
Short Note - Current distribution and population size of the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria in South Tyrol (Italy)
Francesco Ceresa, Matteo Anderle, Leo Hilpold, Roberto Maistri, Oskar Niederfriniger, Renato Sascor and Petra Kranebitter
Short Note - Past and present distribution of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in Italy: a review
Emiliano Mori, Susana Saavedra, Mattia Menchetti and Giacomo Assandri
Short Note - Three-phase transformer arcing horns; neglected deadly components to birds
Mahmood Kolnegari, Richard E. Harness
Short Note - Response behaviour in wintering wigeon (Mareca penelope) due to motor/electric boat disturbance: explorative data suggest a recurrent pattern
Corrado Battisti
Bird News - June 2020
Gaia Bazzi (ed.)