Volume 35 - N. 1/2
1/2 2011

Volume 35 - N. 1/2

  1. Le comparse dell’aquila di Bonelli Aquila fasciata in Italia nord-occidentale:eventi eccezionali o normale erratismo?

    Alessandria G., Boano G.

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    The authors analyzed all the records of the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata in North Italy, Tuscany included, on the basis of
    specimens preserved museum and private collections, bibliographic reports and feld observations. Among the 42 records spanning between 1861 and 2010, 37 are exactly dated and are spread throughout the year, with the exception of January and June, and the main concentrations in September. Over 78% of the 28 aged individuals refers to immature birds. Despite a general decline of the species in the
    breeding areas, an increase of reports in the last decade in NW Italy was observed, likely due to increased observation efforts. Within the
    regions investigated, Tuscany resulted with the highest number of both historic and more recent records, some of which of considerable
    interest for the record season and the presence of adults. The situation emerging from the geographic area investigated is discussed in relation to the observations recorded in Western and Central Europe.

  2. A comparison of two methods for monitoring migrating broad-winged Raptors approaching a long water crossing

    Panuccio M., Gustin M., Bogliani G.

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    Observations on raptor migration were carried out at the island of Marettimo (Central Mediterranean) during the frst half of
    October 2007. Raptors concentrate at this site before crossing the Channel of Sicily en route to Africa (130 km). We used and compared
    two different census methods in order to limit the problem of double-counting of migrating raptors. A total of 510 and 299 individuals
    were respectively counted using two different methods: the frst one is the standard method in use to count migrating raptors (all-occurrence), the second one consists in considering the maximum number of raptors observed together for each observation day (maximumdaily-count). Raptors observed were almost juveniles and immatures (inexperienced individuals). For short-toed snake eagle Circaetus
    gallicus, booted eagle Aquila pennata and common buzzard Buteo buteo, the results show signifcant differences in counts. Weather conditions affected observed numbers of these species at the site, although they did so similarly for both methods. Results show that, at Marettimo, it is not possible to make an accurate count of inexperienced broad-winged raptors approaching the long water crossing. For this
    reason we suggest to consider as an activity index the daily count of the maximum number of birds of the same species observed together
    during each day of feld work.

  3. Analisi dei fattori di disturbo nelle aree di alimentazionedel chiurlo maggiore Numenius arquata in un sito disvernamento dell’Italia centrale

    Trotta M.

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    From 1997-2001, I investigated the effect of disturbance factors on feeding behaviour of the curlew Numenius arquata in a
    coastal region of Lazio (Pontine Lakes). Recreational activities (mainly mountain biking, birdwatching and hiking) and predators were
    the main causes of disturbance. Shooting, right beside the protected area where the curlews fed, was also a cause of an escape response.
    The birds were much more likely to return to the feeding patch when the disturbance was natural (e.g., intraspecifc aggression or predators passing close by) than when it was caused by man. Although not frequently occurring, ultra-light aircrafts and motorized delta-planes
    that flew over caused a strong alarm response among curlews and always drove them to abandon the feeding area. Strong alarm response
    and leaving the feeding sites for other distant areas were also the reactions of birds foraging in areas beside roads when hikers, cyclists
    or birdwatchers passed close by. To prevent all these disturbance effects on the feeding activity of curlews, good conservation practices
    might be to ban over-flying on sensitive areas, to create buffer zones along the edge of the protected area and to install plant screens along
    the roads. These management actions would reduce visual and acoustic impact and fnally allow the curlews to fully enjoy an undisturbed foraging within a protected area.

  4. Sulla nomenclatura delle popolazioni urbane di Columba livia J.F. Gmelin, 1789:una revisione critica della letteratura in Italia

    Battisti C., Zapparoli M.

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    An analysis of the recent ornithological literature (1983-2011) revealed the use of some different scientifc combinations and
    many different Italian vernacular names (14) for the feral domesticated populations of rock pigeon (Columba livia J.F. Gmelin, 1789). For
    this peculiar taxon we suggest the use of a single name, both vernacular and scientifc. For their role in bird communities of anthropized
    ecosystems (e.g., in terms of frequency, density, biomass and impact) the feral domesticated populations of rock pigeon, when occurring,
    should be added also in local and regional check-lists and atlases.

  5. Migrazione e svernamento di allodola Alauda arvensise pispola Anthus pratensis in un ambiente prativonell’Oltrepò Pavese

    Ferlini F.

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    Migration and wintering of skylark Alauda arvensis and meadow pipit Anthus pratensis in meadow habitat in Oltrepò Pavese
    (Lombardy, N Italy). The intensity of autumn migration of skylark reached its peak in the frst half of October (73.8 ind./10 ha), while in
    winter the species was more abundant in the frst half of December (31.3 ind./10 ha). Spring migration was of moderate intensity (14.8
    ind./10 ha). Migratory movements of meadow pipit were intense only at the end of November-beginning of December (48.6 ind./10 ha),
    with low density in winter and during spring migration (7.9 ind./10 ha). At the beginning of winter, flocks of skylarks used more areas
    closer to the margins with tree, while isolated birds totally avoided this situation. Compared with skylark, meadow pipit used areas with
    greater coverage of soil and grass higher.

  6. Observation of vocal mimicry of great reed warblerAcrocephalus arundinaceus imitating nightingaleLuscinia megarhynchos song

    Beraudo P.L., Caula B.

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    Description of a great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus imitating the nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos song. An
    individual was heard and seen several times during June 2007 and May-June 2010 in a wetland area in Cuneo Province with a song similar to the nightingale song. This phenomenon has not been described before for this species yet.

  7. Breeding habitat and nesting site of the red-backed shrikeLanius collurio in farmland of the Marche region, Italy

    Morelli F., Pandolfi M.

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    In this work we studied some characteristics of nesting sites of red-backed shrike Lanius collurio in some areas of the Marche
    Region (Central Italy). These areas are characterized by a temperate climate and by mainly agricultural cover. We analyzed the breeding
    site macrohabitat and the nest microhabitat. Results showed a prevalence of shrubs, most commonly Prunus spinosa and Rosa canina, as
    nest support. The nest is generally located at mid height (1.39 m) and in the midpoint of the shrub. Nesting sites were located mainly in
    the edge zone of the vegetation patches and nearby the roads. In over 65 % of cases the nests were built less than 5 meters far from roads.
    Results highlight the importance of some vegetation species and the presence of certain environmental structures (presence of shrubs, tree
    rows and other marginal habitats of farmland areas) for the preservation of this species, whose conservation status in Italy and Europe is
    currently unfavourable.

  8. Difference in nest concealment and mortality rate inhouse sparrow Passer domesticus in urbanand rural areas of Lucknow, India

    Mazumdar A., Kumar P.

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    We undertook a study to determine whether there was signifcant difference in nest concealment and mortality rate among
    house sparrow Passer domesticus in urban and rural areas of Lucknow, India. We found signifcant differences and attributed this result
    to the loss of natural nesting sites due to anthropogenic factors in urban areas.

  9. Le comunità ornitiche degli ambienti aperti dellaSila Grande (Calabria) con note sull’apparentecontrazione demografca di Saxicola rubetra,Regulus regulus e Carduelis spinus

    Sorace A.

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    Breeding bird communities of open habitats in the Sila Grande Massif (Calabria, Southern Italy) with notes on the possible
    decrease of Saxicola rubetra, Regulus regulus and Carduelis spinus populations. During the 2008 spring, breeding bird communities of
    open habitats were investigated by means of transect method. In 8 areas, 14 transects (overall length 12,06 km) were carried out recording only the individuals in the 50 m belt on both sides of the transect. The richness of species (36) and the diversity index were higher
    than in open habitats of other areas of Centre and South Italy likely due to the large availability of bush areas in some transects and the
    relatively scarce distance from wood area of other transects that increased the presence of edge species. Among the 16 recorded species
    of conservation concern, Lullula arborea was particularly abundant (3.9 ± 2.4 pairs/km). This species with Saxicola torquata and Turdus
    viscivorus were the most common species in the transects. Along the study transects and also during survey in the surrounding woods,
    Regulus regulus e Carduelis spinus were not recorded. Singing males of Saxicola rubetra were recorded only in early season suggesting
    that they were migrant individuals. These data suggest a drastic decrease of the populations of these three species that breed in Sila Grande mountains at the most southern edge of their areale.

  10. Columns - Rubriche

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